RPK (RIP) Amok Again

He is at it again. The man who calls himself a journalist, persecuted and one who for no apparent reason is being hounded by the government of Malaysia.


Raja Petra Kamaruddin better known by his initials of “RPK” to his many followers has come out from wherever it is he has been holed up as a fugitive from justice to slander and to vilify Muslims the world over. He does it with such confidence that it beggars belief how this man could have been allowed to run amok with impunity for so long. This could well have been his swan song.

Had it not been for his lack of credibility, this man could have wreaked damage far greater than his own sick mind could have imagined. RPK is an opportunist and self centered attention seeker. He says things the ‘red necks’ of Alabama would be embarrassed to hear. However that of itself is no excuse as to why he should be allowed to slander and villify so many for so long.

RPK on an earlier occasion vilified the Malay race in his infamous reference to them as ‘Bodohs’ (the Malay word for fool or idiot) whilst in the same breath holding himself up as an authority on Islam vilifying its adherents in the same article on the subject.

He likes his blind followers to believe he is egalitarian. He denounces the Malay dominated Barisan Nasional government of Malaysia and anyone whose view of his distorted world is different. He demands justice and freedom of expression whilst excising from his website appropriately titled Malaysia Today, any view that is even remotely contrarian to his absolute beliefs.

RPK is also anti establishment as he claims to be. Although he is a creature of the establishment and a by product of some of its excesses, the unaccountable royalty, RPK will not jettison that title of his of Raja (from the Sanskrit which translates to Prince or ruler) because it is convenient a ‘fig leaf’ for him to retain. It allows him as he believes to punch above his weight. His intellectual weight that is, whilst affording himself some degree of protection his royal credentials would allow for.

His latest out burst is an admission that he promotes hate as he practices it. The man fails to realise that even if such a claim were meant to be ‘tongue in cheek’ he has further tightened the noose around his neck for the admission of an offence which if not actionable in Malaysia is likely to be grounds enough for his ejection from the UK, Australia, New Zealand or other jurisdiction where he is believed to be in hiding at present .

His failure to substantiate his claims which in essence in his latest outburst claims that Islam and the Prophet taught him to hate is further proof of the need for this man to be apprehended and to be tried then locked away for as long as is necessary.

For those who believe the ISA is an anachronism in this day and age, there is RPK there to remind them of its need. It will only be a matter of time before a more radical and less patient of forgiving sector of the community come out with their responses to the outbursts of this man and his followers.

RPK was last known to be with relatives and friends of his wife in Thailand. Rumours have been circulating off late that RPK had died early in the week. It is further rumoured that he was terminally ill prior to his departure from Malaysia before he was due to appear in court on charges of defaming the prime minister.

42 thoughts on “RPK (RIP) Amok Again

  1. You the author of this article, are the real idiot above all else.

    What RPK have wrote I believe Malaysian’s are mature enough to judge whether its real or not. There is no doubt what RPK is fighting for is for all of us Malaysian’s who value true democracy. He fights for a so call democracy, which have been suppress by BN and whoever hypocrite which is ruling our country now.


    1. Aha. Keep taking your medication and it will be alright. Try something a little less discrediting of the man and put on real challenge.


  2. You need to read the whole article before you shoot off your reply or you could look like an illiterate idiot. The ‘hate’ RPK referred to was of ‘evil’. It did not in any way defame Islam, Muslims or Malays. It quite simply denounced hypocrisy. Then again perhaps you are an illiterate idiot.


    1. Nice response. Illiteracy is about the inability to read or write. Perhaps you ought to give RPK’s setiments expressed in print another go? it could only help.


    1. What is your community? What makes you think that my pen name GRK is reflective of the community I belong to if at all I do belong to any community other than a community of bloggers? its a mere pen name. The idea of a blog or rather one of its advantages is the freedom the anonimity of blogging offers. Lapdogs? now now, I hope you are capable of expressing yourself better and will make the effort to do so in future. I wonder what your community is like judging from the way in which you express your sentiments here.

      I represent no particular community as I do not have the authority (and perhaps neither do you) to represent anyone other than myself. I hope your pen name here is not a misleading attempt at representing Tamilians anywhere. They have enough of a burden to carry without your imposing yourselff on them in this way.


  3. gopal, i think u r missing the point. malaysians are matured people. does not matter how u wrap up a story; it’s the gist or content that matters. what u wrote for example is quite hollow actually. i have been reading plenty of blogs from all backgrounds. i dont feel as what you opined about rpk. may be u shud some really obnoxious site like parpukari, which until today i am trying hard to appreciate its content. all said, try write a genuine piece worth reading. tq


    1. Perhaps Malaysians are matured people. Its not the issue. RPK and his villification of Islam is the topic. I do not have to agree or disagree with you. I merely have to like other responsible bloggers admit your views and opinions providing these are expressed in a civil manner and to the point in issue. Thank you.


    1. Read RPK’s article to which I refer in my posting and then perhaps you ought to tell me and others what’s possibly wrong with it. I have had my say in my posting about RPK. I invite you to have your say in response in a civil way and not in the way RPK expresses himself. He slanders a fifth of mankind (Muslims) and the Malays calling it a right to freedom of expression. RPK like everyone else aspires to a free right to expression. But no civilised community should be tolerant of the likes of RPK when he writes as he does in “Confessions of a true Muslim”.

      Together with freedom comes responsibility.


  4. You can write the same to all the other pro-UMNO blogs or pro-Malay blogs, those who denounce Anwar as a traitor to all Malays. Maybe you should compare the writings of those with RPK’s, and tell me who is more capable of creating tensions in Malaysia. And also tell me if UMNO is dead shit scared of RPK.


    1. I don’t get your point (if there is one). You are refering to a commentary about RPK’s “Confessions of a True Muslim”. What on earth that has to do with Anwar or UMNO is beyond me. Concentrate on the issues at hand and try to provide a relevant argument or response. Thats the idea of this blog. One thing at a time.


  5. i am suprised, are u really a hindu? why u worry of what rpk says about 1/5 th of the humanity? go n learn history first….


    1. Here we go again. What difference does it make if I am sleeping with dinosaurs or am the Virgin Mary? this is a blog of a certain genre. If you wish to post here then your posts should be relevant and not of the RPK variety where race and religion matter because he has nothing else to offer.

      It does not suprise me that most of the responses here supporting RPK tends towards race and religion. Then in the same breath the same people in support of RPK claim the subject of my posting, RPK, is about democracy. What has religion or race got to do with democracy in this context?

      If your posting is irrelevant it must be deleted. I am sure you are capable of a better contribution to this discussion. Over to you.


  6. GRkumar,
    Why don’t you challenge RPK to a debate. That would put an end to all the smart guy wise cracks from both ends and make a REAL fool out of one of you. I think the whole nation knows who will come out trumps.


    1. There is a debate raging here. When RPK does come out of hiding well it may perhaps give him the opportunity to debate those issues close to his heart.


  7. Whilst i defend your right to speak your mind, your hoity-toity rantings about RPK is both confused and confusing and brings to mind John Alexander Smith, Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford who said in 1914″…if you would work hard and intelligently enough, you should be able to detect when a man is talking rot…”

    Mr GR Kumar your five minutes to fame is up!


    1. I don’t have to work hard or long to draw my conclusions here. Where is your argument and what do you support it with? the five minutes of fame is a variation on a theme by the late Andy Warhol.


  8. Sir.
    It is my opinion that,in your desire to denigrate RPK,you have allowed sentiment to cloud your comprehension of the article.I have ,politely,used the word “sentiment” I could have chosen another,more acidic,term but I believe that your true sentiments are very apparent in your response to the article.
    From my knowledge of the Abrahamic religions it is a prime principal,in all of them including Islam, that evil,in all of its many guises(averice,corruption,subjugation,etc)is to be despised and fought against – in fact it is seen as the duty of all devotees to do so as and when the occasion arises.RPK is merely stating that,as a Muslim,he also has a duty to fulfill by battling with evil wherever and whenever he comes into contact with,or has knowledge of,such evils and the agents of these evils.
    As a resident of one of the countries that you mentioned I can assure you that this article would be lauded by all sections of society if it were published here – while your response would be seen as rather obtuse vitriolic.

    As for reports/rumours of RPK,s demise,no doubt initiated by the afore-mentioned agents of evil, I fear they are greatly exaggerated.


    1. What are Abrahamic religions? Islam and Muslim are generic terms. RPK says it taught him to hate. he also claims the prophet taught him to hate. Well RPK must be over a millenium by age then. RPK does not discern or discriminate between truth and fiction. Therer are variations to the Islamic (for ease of definition) faiths. The Macedonian and Albanian Sunni’s are quite different to the Indian (north who are mainly Suffi and not Hanafi) practitioners of Islam. The Shi Ites of Kerela and Gujarat are quite different to each other and even more so to the Kuwaiti Shi ites who are radically different to the post Ayatollah Kohmeni Shi ites of Iran wh are different to the Shi Ites or Irak and the Alawites of Syria are even more different in some respects to the Alawites of parts of Jordan and Iran. So the use of one blanket terms to condemn all is a bit unfair if not a manifestation of rabid ignorance and hatred. A bit George Bush Jnr one might say.


    1. I’d rather simply say it when responding to a contributor who’s description of democracy is at variance to mine. Its called a debate. When BN challenges the concept on this blog I will tell them so.


  9. Fuh! This blog stinks of decay, deceit and death. A Nazgul named “Gopal Raj Kumar”? Suggest you rename your blog “Jibby Strikes Back.” Don’t waste your time and energy lah – and ours too. Yours is the Vacuous Voice of the Undead.


    1. Thank you for your contribution. In future you have to be relevant to have your response published. This is a once off ‘opening sale’ offer. You are now famous.


  10. GR Kumar is an opportunist I believe who takes great care in trying to gain publicity for himself by being different. How so? Go against the tide especially those who are pro-anti BN and there you go can’t wait to give this blogger a piece of your mind! My advise to fellow bloggers who knows the truth more than anyone else to leave this poor soul alone and eventually it will be just anotther “trash” that we come across daily like Star, Utusan, NST…


    1. And you continue to follow and read his postings. Good man. But where is the contribution to redeeming RPK’s nonesense?


  11. well….u are anti rpk n pakatan perhaps….. wat difference with umno n mic which is much more corrupt, with murderers n rapist in the party…. najib with ziana zain, altantuya, main bini org (now no 2) rosmah, rahim thambhi with under age girl…. yuck…i prefer loose cannon like rpk anyday compare to umno may 13…over 2 u…


    1. A good point. But why be anti anything like RPK? If UMNO misbehaves why should you, RPK or Pakatan? since when did the morals of RPK, PAkatan and yourself perhaps come from an UMNO you do not like?


  12. we choose the lesser of the two evil…at the moment pakatan is lesser evil…. bn is the big devil…so u can continue with umno…we ll be with pakatan…. unless in the future….bn changes completely with honest ppl, no matter what u write ppl not goin to vote them….


    1. somehow of all the spamming effort on your part, this one bit tells us you have some saving grace somewhere within you. We welcome your contribution to this blog but not the personal and racial attacks on anyone. Its that variety of blogging (apart from being a criminal offence punishable in many countries) which is offensive to many, that we have had to delete. It takes a lesseer effort to pen a few civil words that may make sense. And perhaps (if as you say you are rooting for RPK) would reflect well on the man. In your case you have reinforced the quality and the character of the man you admire, the subject of your offensive postings which we have had to delete.

      A bit childish Guna. If you have something to say say and say it well. We are happy to listen.


  13. If you are truly not an “illiterate idiot”, why does these comments bother you so much. It seems like you are losing your cool easily. My best bet is you are one of those U*** members, those “pantang dicabar”, or perhaps I should say, “tak boleh dicabar”…too emotional, can’t handled being challenged… =)
    Tsk…tsk…tsk…your article and response to those comments reveals who you really are… =)


  14. You’ve got to thank MT for directing traffic to this blog though. However, RPK bashing isn’t going to keep your audience. Hope you can do better. You’re entitled to your opinion. After all, this is your blog. However, I do find it bad taste that you wish death upon someone. Anyone with humility will not wish death upon someone else. Not even his enemy. I still have to thank you for writing your piece. Its always interesting to read different point of views. I don’t have to agree with you but there’s no need to bash you either.


  15. Any Malaysian with half a brain can tell the difference between having no evidence to substantiate RPK’s claims, to not being allowed to proof his case under the pain of death. The fact that the man has staked his reputation and life speaks volumes about the sad state of affairs of this country.

    “He says things the ‘red necks’ of Alabama would be embarrassed to hear???”, I’m sorry Gopal, this is exactly the kind of derogatory terms that can only come from the tools of umno. A little tip to the not so wise – Try to curb that enthusiasm a bit and maybe, JUST MAYBE, this article can stand on its own.

    Whoever you are, your article is an epic FAIL. Keep your day job and maybe you won’t fail so much in life.


    1. really? well maybe the Malaysians and non Malaysians he offends have the full brain and not the half you refer to here. Me thinks he has to stake his life because …..reputation…….Hmmmmm what reputation? Its not the Malaysian government. Its Muslims, its Malays. Its racial and religious bigotry. Perhaps if he had something else to offer he would not have to stake his life. Martyrdom…..the last refuge of the scoundrel?


  16. I was thinking to add what I think about you, but then again, most of the comments before pretty much says it all. You can crawl back into your hole now.


    1. Well you’d be missing the point if you were to use your privilege to respond here by telling me what you think of me. It would be more beneficial if you could comment on the post and provide us with your views on it. No need to concur with ours. Just be relevant and substantiate your arguments. It may reveal a lot about you. Thank you.


  17. As I read through your entire ranting I could really not find any point of substance. What is your point really ? That RPK insulted islam because he said that islam taught him to hate ? But you left out what he was taught to hate. Why ? His point was clear and not ambiguous but when you left out the most critical part of his phrase you turned him into someone hateful and incite others to hate the same. That’s devious.

    We all know that cheating, lying, stealing etc. are all bad. Doing it would be considered as foolish by anyone. If we are very clever and use our cleverness to carryout all these bad acts than saying that you are “clever at being foolish” would be appropriate and accurate. But to say that you are “clever” and just leave out the rest would be deception.

    So what is your point ? That you are not able to read complete sentences ?


    1. Of his own material and in the first lines carried on his blog Malaysia todaay is the ollowing:

      “I am Raja Petra Kamarudin and I incite hate. I am one of those the Home Minister, Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, has accused of using the Internet to spread hate. I admit to that crime and I do not deny it”.

      In fact he acknowledges its criminalilty and thats in a perverse wway commendable. Hard to know what you aree getting so hot uder the collar about. He further adds:

      “I am Raja Petra Kamarudin and I have been taught that all Muslims must hate. And I have been taught that all Muslims must incite hate. That is an obligation under Islam and my Islamic duty as what I have been taught by Islam.”

      I would be very interested in a number of assertions which RPK makes in his publication on the subject if he is able to authoritatively quote his sources on the subject of hate and incitement. He has failed to and one does not have to be a Muslim to be able understand the two offences of Hate and Incitement which are not carried out or commanded in the Koran as RPK claims it is in the teachings of Islam.

      It is my view that RPK uses a distrotion of the teachings of the prophet in order to villify Islam and its adherents much in the same way a Christian wanting to justify violence reads the new testament where Jesus lost his temper and acted violently in the temple using it as justifcation for violence (after all here is the an act of the son of God) and therefore unimpeachable as a creed of the religion and not an offence.


  18. “The idea of a blog or rather one of its advantages is the freedom the “anonymity” of blogging offers”

    Spoken like a true coward. Do you have half the guts to do what RPK has done? Are you really that ignorant to not see how changes have come along in this country thanks to ppl like RPK? He strikes fear in the government. That’s what the government needs because they think they can get away with anything and fools like you encourage that belief of theirs.

    Everything else you talk about(especially about the insult to muslims) just reflects a shallow understanding of his writings and you take it out of context without proper understanding where he is coming from with his articles.

    The Raja is his birth name you fool. You want him to change his name because people like you think he uses it as some sort of leverage? There are a lot of valid arguments you can make against RPK but whatever you brought up is total crap.

    Try harder buddy.


    1. What Raja Petra Kamaruddin does is a matter of choice. If he chooses to use his own name then run it into the ground with his incredulous and undignified insults of those he does not agree with thats fine by me. Guts requires one to face up to ones responsibilities assertions and claims. Raja Petra Kamaruddin is nowhere to be seen when challenged to re asssert his slanderous position in his publication in an open court of law. Not his law but law.

      The act of a coward ? well lets agree to differ. I’d rather be a coward in your eyes if your idea of Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s failure to front up and prove his assertions and to do so like a responsible person in court is worthy of the title of ‘a man of guts’. He too has choice.

      The Raja is not a birth name but a title. I won’t indulge you with the choice of words to describe your response to my posting or your failure to keep a lid on your emotions. I would still welcome a properly argued response as an alternative to the name calling. And I cannot help but notice the use of King_Carlo for a name expecting anyone to believe that by any stretch of the imagination it could possibly be your name is of itself a reflection of the Raja Petra Kamaruddin class of credibility perhaps?.


    1. Matters involving the international courts of justice are not for someone to simply take another to be tried because they want a larger audience.

      In fact it would be more convenient for RPK to take the Malaysian government to the ICJ if he is able to satisfy the pre requisites. Some of these are that he must be able to prove to the ICJ that he has exhausted all local avenues and forums (courts) and remedies or that even if he did so he is unlikely to obtain a fair hearing because the courts are corrupt or politically driven or unconstitutional. Perhaps you may wish to suggest it to him.


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